Members Present: Braeden Storkersen, Jeff Crawford, Helen Christensen, Lisa Reynolds

Absent: None Guests: None

MissionGathering Christian Church is a 501c3 nonprofit, so decisions are made democratically by a board of directors. The board is made up of several members of the congregation along with the Pastor of the church.

Every single person who calls MissionGathering home is always welcome to attend the first 15-20 minutes of board meetings to propose ideas or ask questions. Board meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month. Location can often vary - whether in-person at MissionGathering, at a board member's house, or over Zoom. So if you would like to attend, feel free to contact Pastor Braeden at braeden@missiongatheringsd.org, and he will give you the location or the Zoom link of the meeting. 

You may see a detailed account of what was discussed at any of the meetings by clicking here

The meeting was called to order at 12:04pm

Approval of Minutes: Lisa provided minutes from Board Meeting on December 2024. Hellen motioned to approve, seconded by Jeff. Minutes approved (unanimous).


• Braeden says we probably need a new camera for marketing • We have a 4,000 dollar donation for marketing • We could do 3,000 for Church Fuel and 1000 dollars for a new camera • Church Fuel helps get the Google Ad Grant • Church Fuel has templates for ads • 3,000 per year —we can cancel at the end of the year • Alternatively, we could devote 250 dollars a month to Facebook ad money, if we want to do it all ourselves this would be for Meta ads across the board • Board votes to move forward with Church Fuel

• Jeff says Joanna has volunteered to help with social media • Braeden says we used to have a social meeting person and the problem was Braeden would have to have a meeting with her to tell her what to post. In the past, this just created extra steps. • We asked for a volunteer photographer last week, and that would help • One photographer or multiple photographers could help us take photos, which would help create content • Helen says we should back off the term “professional.” We just want someone with an interest in taking photos • Jeff suggests the congregation takes selfies and checks into Mission Gathering on Facebook • Helen likes this idea and names it Selfie-Sunday • Maybe we could try it in February • Jeff asks how we can do fun-looking slides for announcements • Braden suggests using Cambra • Helen wants to identify active and inactive members • Braeden says 120 are on Planning Center and there are 600 people who receive our newsletter • Helen suggests we reach out to people who haven’t come in a while

Transition into Vista La Mesa church:

• This is the other Disciples of Christ church in town • Helane attends our church and also Vista La Mesa • Vista La Mesa has been having internal discussions about closing • They are likely going to close within a year to a year and a half • They have thought about giving the building to the city, to a local food pantry, or to another Disciples of Christ church, i.e. us • If this happened, we would probably absorb their 20 congregants • Last Braeden knew, they were entertaining a hybrid of these solutions, giving us the sanctuary, and keeping the rest for a food pantry • Braeden wants to move forward with this and start having more formal talks with their pastor, Rebecca • This church is in La Mesa, in a neighborhood called Vista La Mesa • Helen would like to go and see it • Helen is open to having a conversation • Helen says it sounds like they are not as progressive as us • Braeden says they are moving towards being more affirming • If we do move forward with this, we would need to have lots of conversations with the regional denomination heads • Church mergers have the potential to go really well, or really poorly • If 20 people from the old church stay, there will be a good-sized community that says “but this is how we used to do things” • If this plan moves forward, Braeden suggests he preach there every 6 weeks so that the congregation gets used to him • Jeff asks if we would still be the board or would we use their board, or absorb their board • Braeden says most of the board members are tired and thinks that they will bow out • Braeden will talk to Rebecca and tell her that we are open to sharing the space with a food pantry • Having a food pantry on sight goes with ministries we already have, and with the disaster relief ministry Helen is trying to get started


• Jeff will send out a revised version of Bylaws for us to approve • Braeden will send out job responsibilities (board member jobs) to board

Scared Grounds:

• Helen says the sign up sheet is working well • She reminds people in-person before their week

MG Kids:

• Braeden and Lisa are looking for a new curriculum • Lisa will bring in more volunteers when things feel more standardized • Lisa with try to set up a meeting with volunteers in February

Fundraisers ideas:

Jeff: • Community talent show • We can put up postcards in restaurants • Entry fee, and prizes for winners • Will try-out beforehand, and acts has to be appropriate • Walk-a-thon or run-a-thon • We can get company sponsors

Braeden • Comedy night • Needs to be clean comedy • Ticketed event • The comedian will get a cut (usually 2%) and we get the rest • A comedian typically costs 5,000 dollars

Helen • Paint and Sip Night

Lisa • Bake sale • Rummage sale or yard sale • Could get rid of some of our clutter and make a little money • Trivia Night (entrance fee for each team) • Braden suggests different themes, like a Harry Potter Trivia Night • Drag Bruch (cover charge) • Movie Night (entrance fee, like 5 dollars) • Raffle • Craft Fair or Makers Market • Bunco • Game Night (entrance fee) • Scavenger Hunt (entrance fee per car) • Cook Off (entrance fee, prize for winner) • Recipe Book • Collect recipes from congregants and make into a book • Sell book for like 15 dollars

• Goal is to have a fundraiser event once a month • Braden suggests we create a calendar next board meeting • It would be good if every fundraiser also works as a community event


• Jeff wants to remove some walls • Want to get approval from landlord to move forward with it • Wants to better utilize the things we have and get rid of extra stuff in the spring

 Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 11th, 6:00pm.

 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

 Minutes prepared by Lisa Reynolds.