Members Present: Braeden Storkersen, Helen Christensen, Sarah Wilhoit, Jeff Crawford, and Terry Born
Absent: None Guests: None
MissionGathering Christian Church is a 501c3 nonprofit, so decisions are made democratically by a board of directors. The board is made up of several members of the congregation along with the Pastor of the church.
Every single person who calls MissionGathering home is always welcome to attend the first 15-20 minutes of board meetings to propose ideas or ask questions. Board meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month. Location can often vary - whether in-person at MissionGathering, at a board member's house, or over Zoom. So if you would like to attend, feel free to contact Pastor Braeden at braeden@missiongatheringsd.org, and he will give you the location or the Zoom link of the meeting.
You may see a detailed account of what was discussed at any of the meetings by clicking here.
The meeting was called to order at 6:31pm
Approval of Minutes: Sarah provided minutes from Board Meeting on June 11, 2024. Terry motioned to approve, seconded by Jeff. Minutes approved (unanimous).
Pride Updates: All information about Pride is on the website, including when and where to arrive. Jeff reviewed options for vehicles at Pride, including considering how many people would be attending and might want to ride in the bed. Helen informed the Board that Matt volunteered his truck, which we used last year. There are approx. 16 people, including the Board, who plan to attend the parade. Based on the size of the group, the Board agreed that the bigger truck would be best. Braeden will reach out to Matt to thank him for offering his truck. Sarah will pick up scissors & tape from MG. Helen will bring bubble wands and Braeden will check whether we will be allowed to use them.
Community Clean Up: The first community clean-up will be August 11th in downtown La Mesa. The Board will move forward with ordering supplies for the clean-up from the list that Terry sent. Jeff will review list and inform Terry of what to purchase. We will put information on the website shortly, including a map, and a sign up after Pride is over. Sarah asked about providing lunch prior to clean up. Terry volunteered to pick up pizza from Costco.
Helen requested a calendar and list of upcoming events to be shared. Jeff suggested using the shared Google Calendar where we can put out invitations for all events. Braeden suggested adding a physical calendar in MG, either on the side of the tech booth or inside the door.
Braeden’s Ordination Service: Braeden’s ordination service will be on September 14th. Terry has drafted invitations and spoke with Braeden about food, all of which will be vegan. Braeden gained additional information about the format. He plans to sit down later this week to create an outline and will reach out to everyone with additional details.
Bylaws Review: Jeff will be sending out the bylaws for the Board to review so we can discuss any updates or changes. Additional information will be upcoming.
Braeden’s Contract Review: Jeff and Braeden have discussed updating Braeden’s contract for clarity and any outstanding expectations that were not previously included.
Asking for Help from Congregation: Helen suggested reaching out to congregation members to help meet specific needs and gain additional information about individuals’ expertise. This information would help the Board know whether there are available resources within the congregation as needs arise (e.g., grant writing and research). Jeff suggested putting together suggestion/interest/specialty cards to get to know members of the church. Sarah suggested sending around offering on the same day to ensure getting the cards back.
Terry suggested doing ice breakers occasionally during Sunday service to get to know people better. This may include asking people to share specific information during Pass the Peace (e.g., tell us something that we don’t know). Other proposed ideas included a This or That game and congregation member highlights.
Financial Report: Terry put together a financial report that he shared with Jeff in which he took the budget from last year and adjusted for changes in expenditures and income. He projects 2 ¼ years of finances remaining, should nothing change. He emphasized the importance of attending to our spending. Jeff presented an overview of expenses and projected income from events, including how many events we would need to host to offset rent expenses. He will share the document with Board members. Discussion included who will help coordinate and manage events and it was agreed that, at some point, an employee would probably be needed. It was confirmed that subleasing to another church will require us to extend our lease whereas events will not.
Finding our Space: Terry spoke to his perspective on moving including the history of MG’s challenge finding a home for MG. His primary concerns include parking and necessary investments for fixing up properties. Jeff shared projected costs for moving. He suggested putting a max rent at $4,000 if we move. He asked that every Board member look for potential options for moving. Jeff will be reaching out to the real estate agent MG already works with and another agent he knows. The current options moving forward include: staying in our current space; moving to a new space while maintaining our current style of service; moving to a new space and decentralizing (e.g., moving into a school auditorium). Jeff encouraged the Board to continue what we want our current MG to look like, what we want future MG to look like, and what sacrifices we are willing to make to find the best option.
The Board discussed how to grow the church effectively, whether that is via events, or marketing, Sunday services. Terry spoke to the importance of events and having a space that MG members feel comfortable. Sarah spoke to the importance of safety and flexibility in willingness to host events in different spaces. Braeden spoke to the importance of marketing in bringing in new people who would be able to attend said events. Helen asked about encouraging congregation members to give during offering to help fund events. Terry will write up 3 proposals for events that MG could hold in the next few months with the intention of providing times for fellowship for current congregation members.
Service Updates: Jeff connected with a woman who does ASL interpretation for another church. She shared a connection with students who are studying ASL and would be available to interpret services and receive college credit. Jeff will follow up with her about the students and she is providing guidance on how to begin incorporating ASL into service.
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, August 13th, 6:30pm.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Sarah Wilhoit.