Be The Church

Embracing our Calling to Love, Serve with Compassion, and Build Community Together

MissionGathering Volunteer Opportunities

At MissionGathering, we believe that everyone in the community is important and has something to offer to the people of the church and the larger community of San Diego. The work that we have been called to as a church is bigger than just a few people can do, so we need the skills, minds, hands, ideas, and prayers of everyone who calls MissionGathering home.

Listed below are some of the many ways you can get involved.

Sunday Gatherings

Communion — Contact Braeden Størkersen Help prepare and serve communion.

MG Kids — Contact Lisa Reynolds Contribute to cultivating a church home where Progressive Christian parents can feel excited about raising their kids in the church by leading or assisting with creating a progressive children’s ministry through crafts, games, storytelling, and lessons for the kids.

Preschool through Kindergarten - First Grade through Fifth Grade

Production — Contact Jeff Crawford (

Sound: Help set-up the sound equipment; run audio for the gathering and special events. Lights: Help set up and run lights for the gathering and special events. Media: Help set up, program, run the visual media for the gathering; special events.

Worship Team — Contact Frank Renteria ( Contribute to a lively progressive worship service by singing or playing an instrument on our Worship Team.

Sacred Grounds — Contact Helen Christensen Baking: Help bake our fresh muffins, breads, etc. for Sacred Grounds on Sunday mornings. Coffee: Help make and man the coffee table on Sunday mornings.

Care Team — Contact Frank Rentería ( Greeting: Warmly welcome every new and returning person to help people feel at home at MissionGathering the moment they enter the door.

Prayer: Provide the opportunity for people to express their laments and celebrations after the worship service, and receive an encouraging and comforting prayer right then and there. Facilitate connecting certain members to the pastor for additional support.

Midweek Connect: Help MG members to feel connected and cared for all week long by texting, calling, and praying for a handful of members.

Community Outreach

Los Angelitos (Outreach to TJ Orphanage) — Contact Terry Born Visit Los Angelitos Orphanage on the third Saturday of every month to connect with the kids as well as plan and execute fun experiences for the kids.

Party Planning – Contact Braeden Størkersen: Help plan and execute various community events

Got other ideas? Let us know!